SOFT UK are proud to launch our exhibition centered around the parent voice and complexities of communicating with health care professionals.

The Department of Health UK Strategy for Rare Diseases (DHSSPS 2020) estimates that rare diseases, affect the lives of over 3 million people in the UK. Of these a significant proportion are children. The parents of many of these children talk of the challenges of parenting a child with complex needs and the sometimes-stressful interactions with healthcare professionals.

In Conversation With Matt: Communicating with parents of children with complex needs

In Conversation With Jessamy: The day to day challenges of caring for a child with complex needs

Family Voices: Mixed Experiences of Parents of Children With Complex Needs

Dad Talk: Involving The Partner

In Conversation With Kate: The Importance of Language Through Pregnancy and Beyond

If you would like to see more content related to your area of work, then please get in contact with us. We are always looking to create new material for both families and health care professionals.
